Recognised Projects

CAP Money Mentor

CAP-trained Money Mentors walk alongside individuals experiencing financial hardship by empowering those in need to bring about long-term personal change.

Through partnership with CAP, church-based staff and volunteers are trained in mentoring, interpersonal, and financial capability skills so churches can reach people in financial distress in their community.

Money Mentoring isn’t just about helping someone out of financial distress. It provides opportunities for discipleship, for people to be connected into church community and to experience whole life transformation through meeting Jesus, with support from their Money Mentors.


To replicate this project your church will need:

  • A biblical conviction that the Church is called to support those facing financial hardship in the community.
  • Compassionate volunteers and/or staff who are willing to give their time to walk alongside individuals in need, as well as undertake the training facilitated by CAP.
  • A willingness to host a CAP Sunday to talk about the issue of financial distress in your community, and share stories of local impact.

Steps to run this project include:

  1. Introduce your church to the idea of Money Mentoring, and look for volunteers (CAP can help you).
  2. Sign volunteers up for training – this takes three weeks, it’s all online, and self-paced, (except for two live sessions with others from across Australia who are also completing the training).
  3. At the same time, sign your church up to partner with CAP. This involves the church making a regular financial contribution, which is tailored to your church's situation.
  4. Congratulation! Your church’s trained Money Mentors are now ready to meet with participants. CAP can help with participant referrals, but ideally participants will come through your existing community connections. Money Mentors can meet with participants online or in person.
  5. Upon completion of the training, every Money Mentor will receive regular opportunities for training and updates, as well three coaching sessions with a CAP staff member. Money Mentors will also be part of a national community of practice, working together to meet the needs of those experiencing financial distress.

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