The NAYBA Survey

The NAYBA Survey is an online questionnaire that captures and measures your church's activity and impact on the community.

Quantify your contribution
Inspire your congregation
Engage your community
Three female friends holding each other smiling
A family smiling
A team of people clearing litter in the park

What Is The Survey?

The survey gathers information about who you are and what you deliver to those in need within your community.

This includes details of the number of volunteers and the hours they provide services, the areas of need that are being met through those services and the number of individuals benefiting from the delivery.

We secure feedback quickly and conveniently that meets you where you are. It includes all the traditional quantitative question types plus visuals, videos, ranking elements, and more, giving us a unique survey experience. 

A team of people clearing litter in the park

The Dashboard

The survey can be accessed through various channels, including a standalone link, email, text, and social media.

The results of each survey are visualized in an online dashboard, which you can access after the survey is completed. The dashboard provides real-time updates to results, producing a snapshot of all the results and tracking the distance travelled in future surveys. You can compare individual results with others locally, regionally, and nationally.

You will also receive a survey report with your individual results, highlighting the value of human capital delivered through your projects. The report will also break down volunteer hours, beneficiary hours, and needs to be met. Options to highlight best practices and generate case studies are available, all of which can be used to celebrate what you are doing and engage support to do more.

Start Your Journey Today
A bowl of food being handed to someone in need

After The Survey?

Once you have completed your survey, you will have all the information you need to progress to The NAYBA Pathway and discern what to do next.

This is a five-session review that enables your church to identify, understand, and address the needs of your community and all its stakeholders.