A year of global growth for NAYBA

Matt Bird

View our Annual Report

Appointing three global catalysts to help share NAYBA’s growing expertise has been just one of the highlights over the past 12 months.

The appointments were part of our plans to significantly develop relationships around the world as we help local churches love their neighbours and transform their neighbourhoods.

We have reflected on the work of the catalysts and about the work of NAYBA in our newly published NAYBA Annual Report.

The report reflects on the success in appointing Madz Deyzel, Geoff Baxter OBE and Gary Atkins as global catalysts. These appointments were part of a fruitful year for NAYBA, which was also its most difficult 12 months.

As the world continues to face many challenges, people around the globe are being impacted by an increasing amount of despair, vulnerability and isolation.

The opportunity for local churches to serve their neighbourhoods are greater than ever, but they also face more pressures. This has emphasised the importance of NAYBA’s work in helping local churches meet those needs.

Success of catalysts

Each global catalyst has helped their specialist areas record tremendous success in the past 12 months.

Replicate, which is headed by Madz Deyzel, launched the Replicate Course, which is already experiencing success. It helped graduate Jeanette Main, who leads Lyrics & Lunch, prepare to Replicate the initiative, which helps create community for those with dementia.

Meanwhile, Civic Catalyst Gary Atkins has worked with our team in publishing four NAYBA Impact Audits with more underway. These highlight that 270,000 people across the world were served by 310 projects with an annual economic impact of £12m. We’re delighted that Gary has taken the role, which he is carrying out in addition to his work with the EU Hub

And Geoff Baxter OBE has helped spearhead NAYBA’s growing Spirit of Enterprise, which has seen 120 local churches help budding entrepreneurs launch 240 small businesses. This will be followed by the launch of the NAYBA Enterprise Marketplace, which will be a platform to help those businesses market their services and products to local people.

Looking ahead

The NAYBA Annual Report also highlights that each area of our work has ambitious three-year goals.
CEO and Founder Matt Bird explains, “Reflecting on the past year has been both humbling and exciting. We are thankful for all that God has provided for NAYBA and are continue to look ahead.

“While our Catalysts each have goals in the next three years, overall NAYBA’s Global Goal is to partner with 35 nations to help 350,000 churches demonstrate Jesus’s love in tangible ways to 3.5 million people by 2026.

“We have tremendous support and are looking forward in prayer and with real hope.”

Read our Annual Report in full and please get in contact.

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