South Africa

South Africa

The Church & Mental Health in Australia

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Over the past 9 months, NAYBA has been conducting a pioneering piece of research into the Australian Church's response to mental health.

Informed by interviews with over 40 church leaders, mental health experts, theologians, and individuals with lived experience, we pray the results will be a source of encouragement and a call to action.

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Helping Churches Transform Neighbourhoods


NAYBA South Africa activates and resources churches to better love their neighbours and transform their neighbourhoods.

We help local churches to replicate best-practice community projects, measure social impact and providing sustainable solutions to poverty.

Good News Deserves To Be Shared

Share Your Story

As Christians, we're often asked: “How is the Church actually making a difference?” We know we’re called to love our neighbour as ourselves and, across our nation, there are countless examples of local churches and everyday Christians doing just that.

But how do we capture and quantify the ways that faith is having a positive impact in the community? How do we celebrate the ‘good news of the good works’ of the Church, while also identifying gaps and opportunities to even better serve people in need?

We want to tell a new story about what it means to be a follower of Jesus and we need your help. Get in touch with us now and share the good works of your church or ministry.

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NAYBA Impact Audit

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NAYBA har udviklet et værktøj til at måle og formidle den fælles sociale indsats udført af trossamfund og trosbaserede organisationer i en by eller en region. Vi kalder det NAYBA Impact Audit.

NAYBA Danmark har for netop gennemført en sådan undersøgelse i Aarhus, og resultaterne viser, at de trosbaserede fællesskaber har et stort hjerte for byen og dens borgere. Dette ses både ud af antallet af indsatser, der adresserer aktuelle sociale udfordringer, samt det fortsatte engagement på områder, der er helt centrale for lokalsamfundet.  

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Our Current Focus

NAYBA Replication Communities

The Replication Community identifies best practice church-led community projects that could also be run by other local churches.

We then support those community projects to replicate through other local churches to enable them to transform communities and to save them from having to reinvent the wheel.

Do you have a project that could be replicated across South Africa?

NAYBA Community Projek Herhaler

Die NAYBA Community Project Replicator identifiseer beste praktyk kerk begeleide gemeenskaps projekte wat ook deur ander plaaslike kerke bestuur kan word.

Ons ondersteun dan daardie gemeenskaps projekte wat deur ander plaaslike kerke herhaal kan word om hulle in staat te stel om gemeenskappe te transformeer en hulle te weerhou om weer die wiel te ontdek.

Het u ‘n projek wat regoor Suid-Afrika herhaal kan word?

Resources Transforming Neighbourhoods In This Country


Other Work



The NAYBA Impact Auditis a tool to enable churches to work together in order to measure their social and economic impact in their community or city.

The evidence is published to create new opportunities for the church to partner with government, business, media and other sectors of civic society.


The NAYBA Prayer Breakfast model is a way of churches working together to build relationships with civic leaders and pray for the wellbeing of the community.

We have developed tools and resources to help the church design, host and invite leaders from all sectors of a community to an engaging and impacting prayer breakfast.

Impact Audit Key Findings

People served in the last year by the church
Social Impact values to the Launceston Region each year.
Social Impact values to the Greater Hobart region each year.
People served in the past year by the church in Tasmania
The social impact value provided by faith communities to Ryde each year.
The social impact value provided by faith communities to the Rockhampton region each year.
The social impact value provided by faith communities to the City of Gold Coast each year.
The number of people in need served in the past 12 months – equivalent to 12% of the population of Whitehorse
The amount of social impact value to the City of Penrith & Mt Druitt 2770 each year.
The number of people in need served in the past year – nearly a quarter of the total Frankston population.
The amount of annual social impact value with over 140,000 interactions with people in need each year.

Our Board

Burt Ronald

Managing Director of Ronco Business Solutions.

Arvind Magan

Board Chair & CEO at Arvind Magan and Associates Inc

Chris du Toit

Partner at Custom Capital.

Burt Ronald

Managing Director of Ronco Business Solutions.

Arvind Magan

Board Chair & CEO at Arvind Magan and Associates Inc

Chris du Toit

Partner at Custom Capital.




Advisory Council

Dr Gustav Claassen
(General Secretary of Dutch Reformed Church)

Pastor Lanre Akerele
(Pastor for Redeemed Christian Church of God)

Pastor Ernest Hlophe
(General Secretary of Assemblies of God)

Bishop Malusi Mpumlwana
(General Secretary of South African Council of Churches)

Rev Ndaba Mazabane
(Pastor at Rosebank Union Church & Chair of Board of World Evangelical Alliance)

Professor Nelus Niemandt
(Professor of Missiology at University of Pretoria)

Moss Ntlha
(General Secretary of Evangelical Alliance of South Africa)

Jean Symons
(Leader of Doxa Deo South Africa)

Henri Weideman
(General Secretary of Apostolic Faith Mission)

Dr Ronald Veerapen
(Chair of Jesus City Fellowship Durban)

Kate Litzell
(St Elizabeth’s Parish)

Board Secretary

Natalie Turco

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